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dc.creatorCeccon, Elianees_MX
dc.creatorRodríguez León, Carlos H.es_MX
dc.creatorPérez, Daniel R.es_MX
dc.description.abstractLooking ahead to the United Nations' 2021–2030 Decade of Ecosystem Restoration, we would like to ponder and discuss two fundamental goals to improve, mainstream, and scale up ecological restoration. The first is to cultivate alternative visions of the human dimension in relation to ecological restoration and other restorative activities. The second is to develop shared protocols for planning, revamping, and monitoring the progress of social goals related to ecological restoration within the social construction theoretical framework, based on three interrelated dimensions: stakeholder-based problem definition, social representations, and legitimation. We draw on ongoing work in Caquetá (Colombian Amazonia) to consider how these dimensions may be incorporated into tangible restoration practices. Caquetá is facing the highest deforestation rates in the Amazonian region due to a highly volatile sociopolitical context and recent armed conflicts that have claimed thousands of victims to date. We conclude that the work in Caquetá demonstrates a process of social construction that effectively couples new human values with ecological restoration. Our work also provides evidence that the human dimension of restoration is a central issue in the restoration of human, social, and ecosystem health and must be integrated into the framework of the coming Decade of Ecosystem Restoration.es_MX
dc.rightsLa titularidad de los derechos patrimoniales de esta obra pertenece a Wiley. Su uso se rige por una licencia Creative Commons BY 4.0 Internacional,, fecha de asignación de la licencia 2021-09-01, para un uso diferente consultar al responsable jurídico del repositorio por medio del correo electrónico repositorio@crim.unam.mxes_MX
dc.sourceRestoration ecology 28(5), 1036-1041 (2020)es_MX
dc.titleCould 2021–2030 be the decade to couple new human values with ecological restoration?: valuable insights and actions are emerging from the Colombian Amazones_MX
dc.typeArtículo de investigaciónes_MX
dcterms.accessRightsAcceso restringidoes_MX
dcterms.bibliographicCitationCeccon, E., Rodríguez León, C. H. y Pérez, D. R. (2020). Could 2021–2030 be the decade to couple new human values with ecological restoration?: valuable insights and actions are emerging from the Colombian Amazon. Restoration ecology 28(5), 1036-1041es_MX
dcterms.creatorCeccon, Eliane: orcid: 0000-0003-3219-0235-
dcterms.provenanceCentro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias, UNAMes_MX
dc.description.memberOfArtículos de investigaciónes_MX
dc.description.setEstudios Socioambientaleses_MX
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