The world's social and environmental systems are currently experiencing an increase in the number of conflicts and irreversible human-induced changes. While destabilizing, these changes offer opportunities to advance the science involved to promote peace and sustainability. This forum outlines 12 key research agendas essential for advancing our understanding of the peace-sustainability nexus: global challenges (including the Anthropocene, disasters, and migration); socio-ecological systems (such as oceans, water, and heritage); policy solutions (focused on cities, food, and geoengineering); and guiding principles for peace and sustainability (emphasizing gender, justice, and plurality). Each agenda echoes the normative elements of peace and sustainability as processes while situating them within specific contexts. This approach works within limitations when mobilizing capacities to minimize unintended negative impacts of well-intentioned solutions. Beyond examining how each area either strengthens or weakens the relationship between peace and sustainability, this forum also encourages future research to explore the interconnections that might illuminate pathways for meaningful action. The brief overview of research trends and knowledge gaps can support future work in considering the capacities, constraints, and contexts underpinning the peace-sustainability nexus.
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Simangan, D., Fisher, J., Ide, T., Koubi, V., Sharifi, A., Alfredo, K., Candelaria, J.L., Dalby, S., Hendrix, C., Kharrazi, A. , Oswald, Ú., y Roy, J. (2025). Twelve research agendas for advancing the peace-sustainability nexus. Peace and sustainability, 1(1), 1-13.
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